If you are thinking about visiting Northside for the first time, this page will help you get ahead of the game. Below are some details about a Sunday visit.
When You Arrive
We have parking located on all sides of our campus. Sunday school for all ages begins at 9:00am. Our 10:15am worship service takes place in the Worship Center. Our Sunday evening worship service begins at 6:30pm in the Sanctuary. Please refer to the the map for a general layout of our campus.
If you need help finding where to go, ushers and greeters are stationed throughout the campus. They’ll be glad to help you!

W o r s h i p
Please join us for worship on Sundays at 10:15 am in the Worship Center and at 6:30 pm in the Sanctuary. We would love to have you!
T e a c h i n g
It is vital that every person, no matter their spiritual background, clearly understand the Word of God as it is presented in the Bible. The preaching and teaching is the same at both morning services. You can expect to hear relevant and applicable messages that are true and accurate to God's word. Northside's doctrinal beliefs are in line with those set forth in the Baptist Faith and Message.
C H u R c h L i f e
Northside stays very active and has opportunities for fellowship, learning, activity, and service for all ages. Sunday school is at 9 am followed by a 10:15 am worship service. There are classes for all ages. Adults have multiple options to choose from so it may take a few visits to check out all of the options. If you have questions about Church Life at Northside you can ask them HERE. You can always reach out to a staff member with any questions as well.